Call Center Follow-up Calling

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 6 months ago

Call center follow-up calling refers to the process of making outbound calls to Patients who have previously interacted with the organization through a call center or other channels. The primary purpose of follow-up calls is to provide additional assistance, gather feedback, provide updates, and make Appointments for Patients.

Steps to Process Call center follow-up calling

The "Patient Menu" drop-down navigates "Call center follow-up calling"

Click on Call Center follow-up Calling

set of radio buttons such as

1. Missed callings

2. Enquiry date

3. Next calling date

4. Last calling date

5. CC-Executive

Click on the required Radio buttons to Search Data. Missed callings: The "Missed Callings" radio button, accesses a list of calls that failed to be made on the scheduled next calling date.

Enquiry Date: This Enquiry Date indicates the date of the initial inquiry or the first date of contact.

Next calling date: The "Next Calling Date" refers to the upcoming scheduled date for a follow-up call to the Patient.

Last calling date: The "Last Calling Date" is the information of an attempt made to reach the patient of the last update. If this attempt is unsuccessful or the last update date of the call to the Patient.

CC-Executive: It Shows Particular Data of CC- Executive Selected in the Drop-Down.


The patient has been registered, and the total amount paid for the package has been recorded. These records will be maintained for the next review during the follow-up call.

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