Appointment Report - CC

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 7 maanden geleden

Guidelines to Check Appointment Report CC

The Appointment Report CC is to Check the Call Center Executive activity Conversion of Business Appointment Visits and Registration

Call Centre Calling Report Menu - Navigate Dropdown - Appointment Report CC Page,

To Check the Details of the Report on the page :

Click on Appointment Report CC- The Page Opens

Select the Required Date

Select the Branch Under the Dropdown

Click on Submit

The page generates a report, and it displays the contained data belonging to the Appointment Report -CC.

Appointment Report-CC


This Report Represents the Appointment Conversion of CallCentre Executive

Under Patient Navigation, you can see this Appointment Report - CC.

This Appointment Report- CC will come under Call Center, now in the page select the required date and select the Branch under Select Branch and Submit it

The column opens with the Patient Name, Enquiry Date, Appointment Date Time, Updated By, Updated Date, Assigned Doctor, Appointment Type, Visit Status, Comments

Under Patient Name, if you select the name of the patient you will move to Enquiry Form.

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