Criteria Calling

In Calling Menu Criteria Calling page will display

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 1 年前

Criteria calling Means data of recovery patient based on criteria and better patient percentage. 

The Data submitted by central service executives in respective callings (PPOT calling, CPOT calling , Follow up calling etc.)  in feedback form by selecting Criteria and better patient percentage.

Criteria Calling is based on Criteria select and select better patient percentage. It will helps monitor to do calling previous central executive callers and how they are processing calls (Next calling/Last calling or missed calls) in respective calling in feedback form. I

 criteria and better patient percentage we can see the data and can improve the patient support by calling

Step 1:

Here caller can First select criteria dropdown select particular criteria Then 

select better patient dropdown percentage will display , select particular percentage ,Then

Select Calling Type.

Please follow below three images for Step 1.

Step 2:

After select both criteria and better patient next based on calling type for missed call, we select missed calls and next select submit. Then Missed call data will display.

Please follow below 2 images

Step 3: After select both criteria and better patient next based on calling type for Next Calling Date , we select  Next Calling Date , Select Date and next select submit. Then Next Calling Date data will display.

Please follow below 2 images

Step 3: After select both criteria and better patient next based on calling type for Next Calling Date , we select Next Calling Date , Select Date and next select submit. Then Next Calling Date data will display.

Please follow below 2 images

Step 4: After select both criteria and better patient next based on calling type for Registration ID, Select Registration, Select Date and next select submit. Then Registration ID data will display.

Please follow below image.

Step 4: After select both criteria and better patient next based on calling type for Registration ID series, Select Registration ID series, Select Date and next select submit. Then Registration ID series data will display.

Please follow below image.

Step 6: After selecting particular data , select patient name hyperlink  then Feedback Form will open Now you can make Calling process and Submit Form.

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