NP FE Calling
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1. What is NP FE CALLING?
The patient visited to clinic but was not Registered these Patient data are shown in NP FE calling
NP FE (New Patient Failed Enquiry ) Calling
2. How can the NP FE CALLING module be utilized to access patient information?
Within the calling module, selecting "NP FE CALLINGS" will open a report titled "NP FE CALLING REPORT." This report provides radio button options to filter data, including
Missed callings: The "Missed Callings" radio button, accesses a list of calls that failed to be made on the scheduled next calling date.
Visited Dates: The Visited Date is the data obtained Patient between the Visit Dates Selected.
Next calling date: The "Next Calling Date" refers to the upcoming scheduled date for a follow-up call to the Patient.
Last calling date: The "Last Calling Date" is the information of an attempt made to reach the patient of the last update. If this attempt is unsuccessful or the last update date of the call to the Patient.
Doctor: The Doctor's database to identify a list of patients eligible for required calling.
These options enable users to retrieve specific patient information as needed.
NP FE Calling Report
The Feedback Form is used to seek the patient's next move. Here CSE (Central Service Executive)/others can update the Next calling date based on criteria or can fix a Renewal Appointment with the patient through the Enquiry Form by clicking on the Contact number.
FeedBack Form
This report proves valuable for central team executives as it provides a clear view of data to facilitate their follow-up on NP FE calling patients. The report offers convenient radio button options, such as MISSED CALLINGS, LAST VISITED, NEXT VISITING DATE, REGISTRATION ID, and DOCTOR, enabling the central team to efficiently access and comprehend the information they need.
1. 1. What is NP FE CALLING?
2. 2. How can the NP FE CALLING module be utilized to access patient information?
3. NP FE Calling Report
4. FeedBack Form
5. Conclusion: