Product Form

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 8 months ago

1. What is a Product Form?

Product Form is used to arrange Product Names by associating them with specific Product Categories.

Here Products are Segregated into different Product Categories such as Bank and cash, Expenses, etc.,

2. Procedure to follow for using Product Form:-

In the Account Menu, navigate to the " Product Form"

Click on Product Form

Enter The Product Form

Enter Description

Select the Product Category Dropdown

Select the Status Active/Inactive

Click on Submit

A.Product Form

If Need to Edit Details Click on Edit in the Action column a POP-Up opens.

B. Product Form Edit


"Product Form" refers to a form associated with product Categories, encompassing various product information.

1. 1. What is a Product Form?

2. 2. Procedure to follow for using Product Form:-

3. A.Product Form

4. B. Product Form Edit

5. Conclusion:

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