Cash Deposit Form

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update hace 8 meses

1. What is a Cash Deposit Form?

A Cash Deposit Form is used to apply Cash in Hand for deposit into a Bank Account. It is also used to seek approval from the Accounts Head for confirmation.

2. How to use the Cash Deposit Form?

The following steps to enter details in the Cash Deposit Form:

In the Account Menu, navigate to the " Cash Deposit Form"

Click on Cash Deposit From

Head Accounts -Select Bank Account Number from the Dropdown

Description -Enter Account Description

Amount - Deposit Amount

Choose File -Upload a relevant Document

Click on Submit

A.Cash Deposit Form

The Branch Account Head can approve the Cash Deposit Form by selecting the 'Edit' option, which opens a pop-up. Alternatively, approval for cash deposit can be granted directly within the Cash Deposit Report."

B.Cash Deposit Form

C.Cash Book Form Edit


It states that the form is used for depositing available cash into a bank account and seeking approval from the Accounts Head for confirmation.


1. 1. What is a Cash Deposit Form?

2. 2. How to use the Cash Deposit Form?

3. A.Cash Deposit Form

4. B.Cash Deposit Form

5. C.Cash Book Form Edit

6. Conclusion:

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