Cash Deposit Report

1. What is a Cash Deposit Report?

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update há 8 meses

A Cash Deposit Report is a document that provides a detailed account of cash deposits made into a specific branch account within a defined period. The sum of all cash deposits made during the reporting period.

In this Report Account Head can Approve for Cash Deposit of Branches.

2. Steps to follow to check the cash report:

Click on the Cash Deposit report

Select Branch

Select Date

Click on Submit

Click on Edit to Change Status/Edit Details

A.Cash Deposit Report

B.Cash Book Form Edit


A Cash Deposit Report is a comprehensive document detailing the cash deposits made into a specific branch account within a specified period. This report encompasses individual transaction details, such as the date and amount of each deposit, providing an overview of the cash flow during the reporting period. Notably, the Account Head holds the authority to approve cash deposits for branches, ensuring accountability and oversight in financial operations.

1. 1. What is a Cash Deposit Report?

2. 2. Steps to follow to check the cash report:

3. A.Cash Deposit Report

4. B.Cash Book Form Edit

5. Conclusion:

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