Head Accounts Form

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 8 个月前

1. What is the Head Accounts Form?

Head Accounts refer to the categories under various transactions that are organized to provide a structured way of grouping similar types of transactions for reporting and analysis purposes.

The Head Account Form is used to categorize Head Account Names in the corresponding HA product.

Head Account Names are displayed in the Expenses Form, Cash Deposit Form, and Journal Form by selecting the relevant HA Product.

2. Perform the following Procedure to use the Head Accounts Form:

In the Account Menu, navigate to the "Head Accounts Form"

Click on Head Accounts Form

Enter The Head Accounts Name

Select HA Product Dropdown

Select the Status Active/Inactive

Click on Submit

A.Head Accounts Form

If Need to Edit Details Click on Edit in the Action column a POP-Up opens.

B. Head Accounts Form Edit


The systematic organization of categories under various transactions serves to create a structured framework for grouping similar types of transactions, enhancing the efficiency of reporting and analysis.

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