Expenses Form

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update vor 8 Monaten

1. What is an Expenses Form?

An "Expenses Form" is a document form used to enter details of various expenditures applied by individuals. It typically includes fields for information such as the date of the expense, the nature of the expense, the amount spent, and any relevant supporting documentation, such as receipts.

A form used for entering expenditure requests within a specific category(Product/Head Accounts) for spending/advance requests.

2. Perform the following Procedure to use the Expenses Form:

In the Account Menu, navigate to the "Expenses Form"

Click on the Expenses Form

Enter/Select The Required Details

Upload Relevant Expenditure Bill Image

Click on Submit

A.Expenses Form

3.Detailed Steps to Fill the Expenses Form:

Select Vendor Name

Enter Biil /Voucher No

Payment Type is Available Balance

Enter Description

Select Product

Select Head Account

Enter Product Description

Enter Amount

Upload Image of Expenditure

Click on Submit

Expenses Form-Here Yesterday's Closing Balance was not Generated

To View/Edit Click on the Edit Button

B.Expense Form View/Edit

Note: Only the Accounts Head can Approve in Expenses Form/Expenses Report


In conclusion, an "Expenses Form" is a document used to record details of various expenditures incurred by individuals. This form typically encompasses fields for information such as the date of the expense, the nature of the expense, the amount spent, and any pertinent supporting documentation, such as receipts.

1. 1. What is an Expenses Form?

2. 2. Perform the following Procedure to use the Expenses Form:

3. A.Expenses Form

4. 3.Detailed Steps to Fill the Expenses Form:

5. Expenses Form-Here Yesterday's Closing Balance was not Generated

6. B.Expense Form View/Edit

7. Conclusion:

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