Team Calling Report

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 6 个月前

1) What is Team Calling Report?

A "Team Calling Report" typically refers to a document or record that provides information and insights related to the calling activities of a team or group of individuals within an organization.

2) How to initiate the procedure for reviewing the team call report?

By selecting the Call Center Call Reports in the left menu and then navigating to the Team Calling Report section, the report opens.

Based on the requirement, select the filters below and Submit. To get the result.

A.Team Calling Report

After Submit, an overview is presented, displaying data as shown in the screenshot below.

B.Team calling Report

Click on the required hyperlink count details Team Calling Report. It is directed to the detailed information list of the Patients Team Calling Report-CC Details.

D. Team Calling Report-CC Details


The Data contains only Call Center executive-made Call transaction details.

Based on designation it shows the Team calling details.


This report is beneficial for evaluating the volume of calls made by the team during the designated period and assessing the number of employees who actively contributed to the business generation through the calling process.

Under Report Navigation you can see this Team Calling Report in which you can see this Team Allocation Central Service Group data with Lead and Executive performance.

In the page select group, select month, select year, and then Submit it.

Now the selected Group Name, with Lead Name, Employee Name, Callings, Appointments, Visits, Registrations with Grand Total. 

By selecting any executive employee visits or Appointment you will be moved to next page Team Calling Details which shows the registered Patient Details.

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