Source Category

Master Menu --> Source Category Page

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update vor 6 Monaten

What is the Source Category?

Source Which May have a similar operation calls activity to monitor the differentiate Source Category.

Source Category classification of Source of information, It is used in the page Source of Information(i,e. Different Sources of Information belong to one Primary Source).

Navigate the Master menu Display list of the Master Menu 'Click' on Source Category then the page opens.

or You can enter the Page name of Master in 'Search Here' at the Top of the Home page.

On this page, we add Source Category names and 'Click' on Submit.

After the Submit Popup is displayed and same page List of Source Category will show.

Source Which May have the similar operation calls activity to monitor the differentiate Source Category.

Source Category classification of Source of information, It is used in the page Source of Information(i,e. Different source of information belong to one Primary Source). 

Navigate Master menu Display list of Master Menu 'Click' on Source Category then the page open.

or You can enter the Page name of Master t in 'Search Here' at Top of the Home page.

In this page we add Source Category names and 'Click' on submit.

After Submit Popup will display and same page List of Source Category will show.

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