Add Branch

Master Menu-->Add Branch

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 6 maanden geleden

1. Define Add Branch

The Division of an Organization to Extend Business in Various Areas is a Branch. In Add Branch You can add to New Branch details.

2. How to Add and Give Access to the New Branch?

Navigate to the Master menu Display the list of Masters 'Click' on Add Branch then the page opens. Or You can enter the Page name of Master in 'Search Here' at the Top of the Home page.

A.Add Branch

Now Enter your Branch Name, Branch Address, and Phone number.Also enter Country, State, City and enter Branch Status with given options as Active or Inactive mode, always be in Active mode and enter Branch Short Name (eg: Jublie Hills as JBH)

So now you get a row and column under the information you have entered in the Text with Edit options

But you can see Your License Branch Limit Exceeded, which says only a Limited number of Licensed Clinic Branches can enter the Add Branch.

B.License Branch Limit Exceeded

C.Add Barnch Edit


Limiting access controls when adding a branch, whether in business expansion, is crucial. This ensures that authorized individuals have the necessary permissions, maintaining security and integrity.

Next Move Branch Authentication IP

The Division of an Organization to Extend Business in Various Areas is a Branch. In Add Branch You can add to New Branch details.

Navigate Master menu Display the list of Masters 'Click' on Add Branch then the page opens. Or You can enter the Page name of Master in 'Search Here' at the Top of the Home page.

Now Enter your Branch Name, Branch Address, Phone number .

Also enter Country, State, City and enter Branch Status with given options as Active or Inactive mode, always be in Active mode and enter Branch Short Name (eg: Jublie Hills as JBH)

So now you get a row and column under the information you have entered in the Text with Edit options

But you can see Your License Branch Limit Exceeded, which says only Limited particular number of Licensed Clinic Branches we can enter in the Add Branch.

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