Shift Allocation

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 10 เดือนที่แล้ว

What is Shift Allocation?

"Shift allocation" refers to the process of assigning specific work shifts to employees within an organization.

Here Specified with three types of Shift Allocation:

  1. Employee Shift Allocation
  2. Designation Shift Allocation
  3. General Shift Allocation

How to Allocate Shift Allocation?

Navigate the HR Master Menu Drop-down Click on Shift Allocation  on the page Opens

Employee Shift Allocation: An employee shift refers to a scheduled period during which an employee is expected to work. It typically involves a specific start and end time, as well as a designated duration.

Designation shift allocation: Designation shift allocation refers to assigning specific work shifts to employees based on their Designation within an organization.

General shift allocation: General shift allocation refers to the process of assigning work shifts to employees across an organization without specific consideration of the Employee or Designation.


"Shift Allocation Priority

outlines the sequence of steps followed to assign shifts within an organization:

Employee Shift Allocation: Initially, shifts are assigned based on Individual employees.

Designation Shift Allocation: If an employee's shift hasn't been assigned, priority shifts may be allocated based on their designated role within the organization.

General Shift Allocation: If neither employee nor designated shifts are available, general shifts may be assigned based on organizational standard shift patterns.

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