Patient Payment Detail Report

Reports Memu-->Patient Payment Detail Report

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update há 6 meses

Patient Payment Details Report lists all payments Paid and provides a sum of payment amounts.

It is useful to check in detail of each payment with Package wise and date wise. 

Navigate Reports Display list of Report Click on Patient Payment Detail Report then the page open.

or You can name of report in Search Here at Top of the Home page.

.Now Click on Callender symbol box shows below Select Date then It opens a Dropdown of Date range now you can select required Date range

 Next Click on None Selected box below Select Branch then It opens Dropdown of Branches List View with Multi check now you can select required Branches. and Click on Submit.

It will Display the Patient Payment details as per selected Date Range.

Here You can see the details -->Patient Name, Reg ID, Branch Name, Renewal Count ,Patient Source Patient Treatment, Package, Created Date, Accountant, Payment Date, Payment Type, Package Amount, Paid Amount, Due Amount.

To see detail View Click on Renewal Count.

It will open another page Now It Shows in Expand/Collapse module Patient and Total Paid amount Click on '+' patient details will expand. The expanded Details shows as per Columns Patient Name, Reg ID, Reg Type, Reg Date, Reg By, Payment Date, Payment Type, Package Amount Paid Amount, Due Amount, Payment Receipt.

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