Branch Registration Report

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 6 mesi fa

Under Report Navigation you see this Branch Registration Report. In this Report, you can see the Clinic with Branch wise how many Patients have Registered in this Report with both New Patients and Renewal Patients.

Now in the page select your branch in Select Branch, Select Month, Select Year and Submit it.

The column opens with Branch Name, Total Registrations and under NP, Ref Reg as Referral Registration, Package Amount, Paid Amount, Walking Reg, Package Amount, Paid Amount, CC Reg as Call Center Registration, Package Amount, Paid Amount

Under Renewal Reg as Registration, Package Amount, Paid Amount with Grand Total

By selecting under certain Registration, the hyperlink opens to the total number of patients.

Now the column shows the list of Registration Patient. And by selecting the Patient name the link opens Patient Overview.

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