Add Designation Type

Master menu -->Add Designation Type

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update setahun yang lalu

Each Employee in an Organization Works with certain job Role, to tittle the job Role of an Employee is a Designation, the Specification of a Designation is called as Designation Type.  

Navigates Master Menu Display list of Master 'Click' on Add Designation Type then the page open.

or You can 'enter' the Page name of Master in 'Search Here' at Top of the Home page.

You can add "Add Designation Type "which is used for Designation page in Master menu Designation belongs to which Category and description of designation type. 

Type Desig Type Name (Name of Designation), Desig Type desc (description of Designation) and Status (Active/De active) as shown below image and 'Click' on submit.

After Submit popup will display as shown below image

If required any edit select Edit and Designation Type Edit Form page will display. Then Modify the require details in able to access edit columns and 'click' on Submit .

After Submit popup will display as shown below image

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