HamaraCRM Clinic Portal

HamaraCRM Help

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1. What is the Home Page Portal?

A "Home Page Portal" refers to the initial webpage of a website that serves as the entry point for users. It is the page users see when visiting a website and logging in to an online service.

The home page provides an overview of the website's content, and navigation options, and shows feature important announcements with highlights.

There are two types of Portal Logins are visible in Home Page Portal :

Admin Portal

Clinic Portal

A.Home Page Portal

2. Define Admin Portal?

An "Admin Portal" refers to a web-based interface designed for administrators to manage and control various aspects of a system of application.

In the Admin Portal access with Admin Email ID credentials of Clinc

B.Admin Portal 

A "Clinic Profile" profile is granted to individuals responsible for managing and overseeing various aspects of the system by Admin Profile Login.

3. Define Clinical Portal?

A "Clinic Portal" refers to a web-based interface that provides healthcare professionals with secure access to a variety of clinical information.

The clinic portal is designed to facilitate the management of patient data, and workflows enhance communication among the patient service providers.

In Clinic Portal access With Employee Login Credential

C. Clinic Portal

Here Home page will display Menus as per the Designated access

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