Enquiry Doctor

HamaraCRM Help

Last Update 7 months ago

The Enquiry Doctor is Followed by FDO, after CCE, FDO the Enquiry Doctor follows in the home page of Homeocrm select the Select Designation Text and select Enquiry Doctor in it.

Now select Enquiry Doctor the Home page for Enquiry Doctor open with the Required Navigations

In the Enquiry Doctor select Patient Navigation under it; you will have a drop-down menu in it.

Select first Patient Navigations under Doctor Schedule 

The FDO will assign the Patient to an Enquiry Doctor, and you can open the Doctor Schedule to check the Case Sheet by selecting Mobile Number, Registration ID, or Choose Visited Date

Now you can select the Patients information by selecting any of the given options so the selected patient opens and select Doctor CaseSheet and process the entire CaseSheet  as follows

Under Doctor Schedule, you can see Followup Calling New which is for the next visit of Patients

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